Find The Way..


guest who is it??


my sista : Kauthar Dzulkefly

are going to have their wedding celebration
with her new "wayfarer" :


with a doa from a hadith :
BarakAllahu Lakuma wabaraka Aleykuma wajama baynakuma feel khayre

May Allah (SWT) place Love and Mercy between your hearts and make you and your wife amoungst the (blessed) couples walking through the gates of Junnah.

p/s ; nak pulang...huuuaarghh!!



mula2 bukak..ingat sape ntah punya promosi.. album ke ape ke..
tak pon debut album kat pesta buku international ke..apeke

upenye..kakak kepada 'bakal pengantin in the future' punye wedd~ on..tahniah lah..

yang 'bakal pengantin in the future' nye bile pulak?

barakaAllahu fiq :)

xdpt blk ke...

barakaAllahu fiq :)

xdpt blk ke...

BarakAllahu Lakuma wabaraka Aleykuma wajama baynakuma feel khayre

May Allah (SWT) place Love and Mercy between your hearts and make you and your wife amoungst the (blessed) couples walking through the gates of Junnah.

a sweet do'a to a sweet loving couple
may ur sis in happiness ALWAyS..
although u r not by her side
she is counting on u that her dear brother do'a for her, ALWAyS..

p/s : btul2 sgt tumpang gembira akhirnye mereka disatukan dgn izin Allah..mge kamu juga ya..( amieen ya Allah..)

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